Viney Taylor married Absalom Koon and had the following children:
Permelia KOON
William John KOON
James H KOON
Wiley Harrison KOON
George W KOON
Alice KOON
Luther Martin KOON
Joseph KOON
Melissa Frances KOON
In about 1859, Absalom and Viney moved to Columbia Co. FL, near her brothers, Robert and James. Luther Martin Koon was their first child to be born in Florida. Absalom joined the Confederate Army during the Civil War. He fought in the battle of Cold Harbor, VA and entered the hospital and died during the siege of Petersburg, VA. on January 9, 1865.
Viney lived in Columbia Co. until her death in 1906. Her large family produced many descendants in that area. She was known as Aunt Viney Koon to people who weren't even related to her. She is buried in the Mt. Tabor Cemetery in Columbia Co.
In spite of the fact that she couldn't read or write, she was apparently a shrewd businesswoman. She acquired a great deal of land. It is said that she owned most of what is now Union Co., FL.
Absolom Koon
Memorial Dedication
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