After William's death in 1848, a sort of "Taylor Triangle" was set up between
Newberry County, South Carolina; Dyer County, Tennessee; and Columbia County, Florida.
Isabella and her husband Simeon Hawkins moved to Dyer County, Tennessee, where Simeon's father Peter Watson Hawkins had moved in the early 1840s. Noah and Israel followed since they were minors and Simeon and Isabella were caring for them.
In the 1850s, Robert, James, and Viney went to Columbia County, Florida. Oral tradition has it that there was a split in one of the churches and there was inexpensive land available in Columbia County. That would explain why there was such a mass migration from Newberry to Columbia. Evidence of this migration is that Taylor, Summers, Witt, Bedenbaugh, Haltiwanger, Nichols, Snelgrove, Shealy, Koon, and other families all have strong representations in those two counties, but not elsewhere in the region. After the death of his first wife, Noah moved to Bradford County, Florida next to Columbia County.
Anne and the descendants of George, who died before his father, stayed in Newberry County. Tradition has it that Anne went to Florida with her siblings, but returned to Newberry County because of the large number of snakes in Florida.
Family members regularly traveled between those areas, even at a time when travel was difficult.
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